Donated Games
Math Minutes
Most of us experience math in a very limited way, focusing on calculations and worksheets with one eye on high-stakes exams. Because of this “experience gap,” students have a poor math identity that negatively impacts learning.
Created by MIND Research Institute, MathMINDs changes how society views math by changing the way we experience it. What if math took a page from the playbooks for food, sports, music, or literacy - offering diverse opportunities that challenge and delight all ages?
MathMINDs offers several interactive, effortful, and absorbing programs that deepen our collective understanding and enjoyment of math for both adults and children.
As adults, our attitudes and mindsets around math have a profound influence on our students' learning.
MathMINDs reaches beyond the classroom to a student's larger ecosystem by changing how we collectively experience math.
As this ecosystem begins to think, feel, and talk about math differently we boost students' learning and mathematical identities.
Math is from everywhere, in everything, and for everyone.
Our strategic and philanthropic partners have made the evolution of our MathMINDs initiative possible. From exhibits at math events, to the games, stories and projects you see on this site, MathMINDs would not be possible without them.
If you would like to help end the phrase “I’m not a math person”, join our MathMINDs initiative.
Let's TalkSouth of the Sahara math games in action. Thanks, JiJi! One winner shouted, "Yes, STRATEGY!"
MathMINDs makes the news as Milwaukee Math Week 2020 surpasses its goal of 100,000 math minutes in just 5 days.
Community night event @MDCPS w/ @STMath #mathminds — challenging games, doable work, so much community!
Record breaking Family Math Night @WalnutBendES !! Thank you @Phillips66Co for supporting #STEMeducation with @STMath @MIND_Research
Local student ambassadors playing math games with adults at the annual Rockwell Automation Fair
To date, over 7,500 copies of South of the Sahara have been ordered by donors to give to families completely FREE.
“I feel like I’m an engineer.” ...“It’s just exciting!” -- two 4th grade students
Check out the spectacular SOUTH OF THE SAHARA games! (students playing in Tanzania)
Just got home from amazing GMP Symposium and unpacked this great game from @MIND_Research! Number Sense with games, storytelling, and math history! Great job! Love the wooden pieces and story books:)