Math is from everywhere, in everything, and for everyone.

MathMINDs Impact









Donated Games



Math Minutes

Why MathMINDs

Most of us experience math in a very limited way, focusing on calculations and worksheets with one eye on high-stakes exams. Because of this “experience gap,” students have a poor math identity that negatively impacts learning.

Created by MIND Research Institute, MathMINDs changes how society views math by changing the way we experience it. What if math took a page from the playbooks for food, sports, music, or literacy - offering diverse opportunities that challenge and delight all ages?


MathMINDs Experiences

MathMINDs offers several interactive, effortful, and absorbing programs that deepen our collective understanding and enjoyment of math for both adults and children.

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MathMINDs games have you feeling like a detective trying to figure out your next move. With a level playing field, adults and kids can play together.



MathMINDs stories have you feeling like an adventurer by combining the best of story-telling and mathematics.



MathMINDs maker has students feeling like an inventor through mathematically rich, socially-minded project-based learning.

Supporting the Entire Ecosystem

As adults, our attitudes and mindsets around math have a profound influence on our students' learning.

MathMINDs reaches beyond the classroom to a student's larger ecosystem by changing how we collectively experience math. 

As this ecosystem begins to think, feel, and talk about math differently we boost students' learning and mathematical identities.

Math is from everywhere, in everything, and for everyone.

"I saw students teaching parents and siblings, and families working together and bonding over an educational game and I think that goes a long way in changing their perceptions of school and learning."
Facilitator at Pleasant Run Elementary School, April 2017
"Kids are still talking about the event days afterwards. I believe we really made a difference in the lives of students and families. Thanks!!"
Teacher at Escuela Vieau, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Nov 2017
"The most important thing I learned from the process of designing my own game was to test my game and to listen to feedback."
Anicka, 7th grader in Los Alamitos, California
April 2016
"Milwaukee Math Week was definitely a different way to look at math thru a game which is very good."
Family, Milwaukee Public Schools
October 2020
"The most important thing I learned from the process of designing my own game was that it is okay to change your idea if you find a better way to do something."
Melissa, 6th grader

Our Partners


Our strategic and philanthropic partners have made the evolution of our MathMINDs initiative possible. From exhibits at math events, to the games, stories and projects you see on this site, MathMINDs would not be possible without them.

If you would like to help end the phrase “I’m not a math person”, join our MathMINDs initiative.

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