Give your students something to talk about!
MIND Education’s Math Puzzle Talks.
Library of engaging puzzles for whole class and small group learning
5- to- 15 minute teacher facilitated activities. Progressive learning with low-floor, high-ceiling math concepts.
Highly visual puzzles, makes math accessible to ALL students, including multilingual learners and students below grade level.
Animated, formative feedback for faster learning.
Animated, formative feedback makes it easy for students to "see why" the math did or didn't work.
This deepens math learning for all students regardless of skill level or language background.
Productive struggle is built into Math Puzzle Talks
Students make connections to things they already know in the puzzle, think creatively and try different routes to solve it.
This fuels student curiosity and perseverance to continue and discuss solutions with classmates.
Encourage your students in rich mathematical discourse today!
Grades K-8 available. Visit the Math Puzzle Talks library, select a puzzle, and click START.
Get all students talking about math.
In 5- to 15- minutes, you’ll help every student find their voice and contribute to problem-solving. All lessons compliment any math curriculum. Watch the video to see Math Puzzle Talks in action.
Rubric for Highly Effective Discourse